NOVARA o l t r e                                                                               





Town Council of Novara







Population resident: 104.544 inhabitants


Location:    - 35 km approx. from the Malpensa Airport, Milan

                 - 96 km approx. from the Caselle Airport, Turin

                 - exit Novara East and Novara West on the A4 Motorway Turin - Milan


Feast of the local Patron Saint: 22 January – St. Gaudenzio



-      March, August and November Fairs (fair of St. Martino)

-     antiques market (1st Saturday of each month), Artisan market (monthly), Food and Christmas market

Historical manifestations:

-     commemoration of the Battle of the Bicocca 23 March 1849 and of the Battle of the Ariotta 6 June 1513


Typical products: wine, rice, gorgonzola cheese, biscuits of Novara


Educational structures: : no. 18 Crèche, no. 31 Nursery Schools, no. 27 Primary Schools, no. 12 Junior Secondary Schools, no. 21 Senior Secondary Schools, no. 3 "Amedeo Avogadro" University Faculties (Economy, Pharmacy, Medicine and Surgery)  


Accommodation and facilities: click here


Medical structures: Hospital-University "Maggiore della Carità", Clinic “San Gaudenzio", ASL 13


Facilitations and finance for companies: aid and support for new initiatives taken on by new artisan firms


Referents for work and development:

-         Sportello Unico per le Attività Produttive - tel. 0321/3702750 - 3702747 - fax 0321/3702746 - e-mail - website
























To see the detailed file on the Commercial Density of Novara click here









For a better view click on:

novara-est.pdf; novara-nord.pdf; novara-sud-ovest.pdf

To see the English version of the caption click on legenda italiano-inglese.pdf