NOVARA o l t r e                                                                               





Town Council of Romentino







Population resident: 5.386 inhabitants


Location:    -   9 km from Novara

                 - 30 km approx. from the Malpensa Airport, Milan

                 -   4 km approx. from the A4 Motorway Turin - Milan (exit Novara East)


Feast of the local Patron Saint: 24 June – St. Giovanni Battista


Typical products: gorgonzola cheese, rice


Educational structures: Crèche, Nursery School, Primary School, Junior and Senior Secondary School


Accommodation and facilities: no. 1 farm restaurant, no. 2 restaurants, no. 3 restaurants with rooms, no. 4 pizzerias


Medical structures: Medical Seat District  ‘ASL 13’, no. 2 G.P. Surgeries, no. 1 Chemist shop


Other services:

-        C.I.S.A. West Ticino (Syndacte of Inter-Council Social Assistance Services with West Ticino) , Old people's home

-     Sports field, gym hall

-          Library













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