Town Council of Castelletto Sopra Ticino |
Population resident: 10.121 inhabitants
Location: - 34 km from Novara - 17 km approx. from the Malpensa Airport, Milan - motorway exit in correspondence with the intersection between the A26 Genoa Voltri - Gravellona Toce and the A8 Motorway Milan - Varese Feast for the local Patron Saint: 17 January – St. Antonio Abate
exhibitions: - 26 July – Festival of St. Anna - 15 August – Festival of the Assumption with procession along lake - last week in August – Festival of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - 24 December – Re-living Bethlehem (live nativity scene every second year) Typical products: horse meat, stew, ‘bruscitt’ (traditional main course) Educational structures: Crèche, no. 2 Nursery Schools, no. 2 Primary Schools (Castelletto Sopra Ticino and Village of Brabbia) and Junior Secondary School Accommodation and facilities: no. 4 campsites, no. 2 farm restaurants, no. 1 hotel, no. 1 hotel - motel, no. 1 residence, no. 1 B&B Medical structures: District Seat ‘ASL 13’, no. 2 Chemist shops Other services: - Didactics Direction - Laboratory for handicapped people c/o Art School "Morosi" (Village of Glisente) - Old People’s Home, Social Canteen Service, Tele-distress signal service in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross of Arona, The “Silver Telephone” service (Telefono d'argento), social-recreative iniziative for O.A.P.s organized in collaboration with the Auser meeting centre "La casa di Igino" - Library Referents for work and development: - Technical Area - tel. 0321/971940 - 0321/971950 - Sportello Unico Associato per le Attività Produttive managed by the Town Council of Borgomanero - tel. 0322/837740 - fax 0322/837755 - e-mail unico@comune.borgomanero.no.it
Website: www.comune.castellettosopraticino.no.it
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