Chiesa di Santa Maria di Luzzara: zona absidale / St Maria Luzzara church |
Chiesa di Santa Maria di Luzzara: un affresco della facciata / Paint |
St Lorenzo Church
Situated outside town, the church of san Lorenzo is already mentioned in a document of 1141 with the name “de muris”. This document contains a record of the task, given by bishop Litifredo to a group of laymen, of building the church. It was constructed in the 12th century but heavily altered in the 17th and 18th centuries and from this period date the bell tower, the sacristy, the portico on the façade and three rectangular windows on the side. The building is an orientated single nave with a semicircular apse. Of particular interest is the apse, decorated with series of small terracotta arches in groups of three, divided by narrow pilaster strips resting on wide stone brackets. In the interior the nave is divided by four large round arches into bays on which the trussed roof rests. The presbytery is barrel vaulted. Behind the Baroque altar a decorated tomb can be seen, where according to tradition St Giuliano is buried. Also behind the altar is the fine 18th century altarpiece showing Saints Lorenzo and Prassede. The south wall is decorated with 15th century frescoes, one of which, discovered in 1988, shows the Adoration of the Magi; next to it is a fresco of Santa Chiara.
Basilica di San Giuliano
La chiesa parrocchiale, la cui facciata appare incompiuta, sorge su
un'altura che domina il paese, sui resti dell'antico edificio pievano
risalente al IX secolo e già dedicato a San Giuliano Martire.
L'importante e vasta sede pievana è già documentata
in un diploma di Berengario del 17 novembre 919 al vescovo di Novara
Dagiberto, che, nel documento, appunto, consente di tenere un mercato
settimanale e una fiera annuale il 24 ottobre, giorno della traslatio
di San Giuliano. Originariamente la chiesa era a tre navate con abside
orientata: ora, dopo la ricostruzione avvenuta fra il XVIII e il XIX
secolo, si presenta a navata unica con abside semicircolare e cappelle
laterali voltate a botte. Delle antiche strutture rimangono solo alcuni
frammenti di capitelli del IX e X secolo, murati nella nuova costruzione:
uno nel portico davanti all'ingresso, l'altro presso lo spigolo della
sacrestia. Il maestoso campanile risalente all'XI secolo è
collocato nella parte più elevata del colle, tanto da sembrare
ancora più alto; è scandito da sei specchiature decorate
da larghi archetti pensili a gruppi di tre divisi al centro da lesene.
Le aperture di mezzo hanno l'archivolo contornato da una ghiera, sono
monofore nella parte inferiore e bifore nella superiore. All'interno
sono da segnalare gli affreschi che decorano la cappella della Madonna
del Rosario, opera di Lorenzo Peracino, raffiguranti i 15 Misteri
del Rosario e i Santi Domenico e Caterina. Sotto il presbiterio trova
posto lo scurolo settecentesco ove, in un'urna d'argento e cristallo,
sono conservate le spoglie di San Giuliano.
Parish church
The parish church, whose façade is uncompleted, stands on a rise dominating the town, on the remains of the former parish church dating from the 9th century and dedicated to St Giuliano the Martyr. The large and imposing parish seat is already recorded in a document of Berengario, dated 17 November 919, to Dagiberto, bishop of Novara. In the document Dagiberto consents to a wekly market and an annual fair on October 24th, the day of the translation of san Giuliano. Originally the church had three aisles and an orientated apse: now, after its reconstruction between the 18th and 19th centuries, it consists of a single nave with semicircular apse and barrel vaulted side chapels. All that remains of the former building are some fragments of capitals from the 9th and 10th centuries, built into the new edifice: one is in the porch in front of the entrance, the other on the corner of the sacristy. The impressive bell tower dating from the 9th century is situated on the highest part of the hill, making it appear even taller. The masonry is formed of six sections decorated with wide arches in groups of three divided in the centre by pilaster strips. The middle openings have an archivolt surrounded by an arched lintel, and are single light in the lower part, double light in the upper. Inside, the frescoes decorating the chapel of the Madonna of the Rosary, by Lorenzo Peracino, show the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary and saints Domenico and Caterina. Below the presbytery is the 18th century scurolo (tomb) where the remains of san Giuliano are preserved, in a silver and crystal urn.
Chiesa di San Lorenzo / St Lorenzo Church |
Pieve di San Giuliano: campanile / St Giuliano bell tower |
Palazzo Ferrari-Ardicini
Palazzo Ferrari-Ardicini is situated in the centre, on the main street overlooked by ancient palaces, and is now the premises of the town hall. The 19th century building was formerly the property of the Ferrari-Ardicini family of the nobility and is on a U-shaped plan whose side wings are lower and project towards the garden at the back. The interior of the palace contains finely painted frescoes, Venetian terrazzo flooring and an elegant main stairway with very ornate wrought-iron balustrades, at the top of which is a decorated ceiling and a skylight. An attractive park is adjacent to the building, full of species such as camellias, magnolia grandi-flora, Lebanese cedars, a large monkey-puzzle tree and an ancient Ginkgo biloba.
L'atrio decorato di Palazzo Ferrari-Ardicini / Ferrari-Ardicini palace |