Town Council of Briona |
Population resident: 1.149 inhabitants
Location: - 17 km from Novara - 35 km approx. from the Malpensa Airport, Milan - 8 km approx. from the A26 Motorway Genoa Voltri - Gravellona Toce (exit Ghemme - Romagnano Sesia) - 16 km approx. from the A4 Motorway Turin - Milan (exit Novara West)
Feast of the local Patron Saint: 26 August – St. Alessandro
Festivals and exhibitions: - June - Musàicum (series of concerts) - June – Festival of the Bull on the Skewer
Typical products: wine
Educational structures: Nursery School and Primary School
Accommodation and facilities: no. 1 farm restaurant, no. 4 restaurants, no. 2 small restaurants - taverns
Medical structures: no. 1 Doctor's surgery, no. 1 Chemist shop
Other services: - Library - Sports field Referents for work and development: - Arch. Giampietro Depaoli, Technical Service Manager for the Unione Novarese 2000 c/o the Town Council of Caltignaga - tel. 0321/652896 Website:
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